Hell on Heels, a Rocky Horror Cast performing at theater near you!
Welcome to Hell On Heels Rocky Horror! We do our best to keep this updated, but for instant updates on the spot, be sure to like our facebook page! Likes help us grow!
Thank you to everyone who has come out since we've started and supported us! We are so thrilled to have you all as part of our wonderfully crazy Rocky family! Thank you all so much! If you're enjoying our show, make sure to pass the word on to your friends!
Upcoming Shows!

Our Mission Statement
We at Hell on Heels believe that Rocky Horror is a safe place to be whoever you want to be. We strive to provide you with regular entertainment and a home to call your own. We are accepting of all races, religions, sexuality, gender identifications, ect. Rocky is a place where you can come and feel safe to explore who you are.
We value show quality, however, above all else, we strive to create a community of inclusive, open minded individuals. Our goal is to do more than just Rocky Horror. Be the beautiful you you are. Be loud, be proud, be unique, and please, never stop being 100% you.

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